Understanding and setting a new direction for post-COVID regulatory culture

Recognising the importance of culture in driving effective modern regulation, a major Australian regulatory organisation sought our support in evaluating their current regulatory culture, and the gap between this and the target culture that will best drive and support their intended regulatory posture.

We undertook a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, including consultation with all levels and geographies within the team, as well as its stakeholders. Through this process we mapped the current culture against our Artemis Culture Diagnostic, tailored to reflect a regulatory context.  This was then compared to the future state that we co-developed with the leadership team, to identify the team’s areas of cultural strength, and to prioritise the areas of opportunity that will most powerfully align their culture with their strategic objectives as a proportionate, risk- and evidence-based regulator.

The resulting culture action plan and communication strategy are currently in delivery.


Culture diagnosis and action plan for a critical cyber function


Rebuilding culture in a service organisation