Realignment of a Division in a MOG department
With fast turnaround mandate from the Departmental Secretary a division was required to undertake a structural and functional realignment to better meet its changing and growing delivery agenda. The Artemis team was engaged to manage the change process and support for the leadership team to effectively engage with staff within highly impacted areas and the Division. This project began with the creation of a key narrative to ensure staff understood the reason for the change and could understand and see themselves in the future direction and transformation of the division.
Once the context and vision were established the team stood up an enabling services working group, engaging key decision makers across Finance, Systems, Property and HR and worked alongside the leaders of the impacted teams to ensure that the restructure was managed thoughtfully and practically without disrupting and destabilising the teams involved and the Division itself.
This realignment was delivered with minimal disruption, positive buy-in and a relieved Leadership team. It was also held up as an example within the Department of how to manage change with the lessons learnt and key success drivers shared for the future use of other Groups and Divisions.